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Friday, February 24, 2012

Hebrew Bat Mitzvah

Hebrew Bat Mitzvah

A young Jewish girl celebrates Bat Mitzva at the age of twelve. 
Bat Mitzvah is a modern Hebrew ritual that started in the 20th century.
The Hebrew phrase "Bat Mitzvah" means: daughter of commandment. 
At this age event the 12 year-old girl becomes a responsible adult ready to observe God's commandments. This is the time when the girl's moral awareness and sensitivity to the outer world fully develop, enabling her to take on full responsibility for her actions , 
no ceremony is needed to confer these rights and obligations.

Bat Mitzvah celebrates the moment when the young Jewish girl is ready to play an active role in religious and social life. In most religious and secular Jewish communities, with the exclusion of Orthodox, it has become a common custom to honor the Bat Mitzvah girl by throwing a big party that includes a festive meal, music, guests and gifts. The Bat Mitzvah girl makes a speech with references to religion and traditions.  Many people who are invited to a Bat Mitzvah celebration don't know what to expect and have no idea what gifts to give for the occasion. 

Some prefer to give the celebrant savings bonds, usually given in multiples of 18. 
A wide selection of originally designed Jewish jewelry could be just the perfect Bat Mitzvah gift you are looking for. Star of David Jewelry are a great example. The Star of David is one of the most significant emblems in the Jewish tradition. To this day, it is thought to protect the ones who wear it around their neck. 
The Hamsa hand is also believed to protect against the evil eye and bless the ones who wear it with luck and good fortune. There is a wide selection of Hamsa jewelry that incorporates the hamsa symbol. You can also find delicate Jewelry designs with Hebrew inscriptions such as Shema Yisrael pendants, the most famous Jewish prayer.